Message from the CEO/Founder

Mentorship and guidance offered to students to undertake STEAM education is critical for the overall success of the student.
How can we engage more girls in STEAM?

1. Provide girl-centered programming so students can see themselves reflected in the curriculum.
2. Introduce authentic hands-on challenges that are relatable and centered around connecting and supporting the community.
3. Assist girls in building their toolbox to solve complex problems that encourage understanding, application, and empathy while focusing on mistake-making as an asset.
4. Work alongside and learn in parallel with STEM/STEAM community mentors who participants see as role models.
5. Build real-world connections to STEM/STEAM by engaging guest speakers and a career-focused curriculum so students see how this learning relates to their future.
Wisdom Capsule: Caroline Karimi Nyaga

The Team

Women in STEAM Initiative is a female led organisation of enthusiastic, philanthropic passionate STEM educators from different STEM fields. We boast the presence of Educationists, a Computer Scientist, a Biochemist, a Civil Engineer, a Medical practitioner, a Data Scientist, An Electrical Engineer, a Mechanical Engineer and a Statistician. We are passionate about empowering girls and young women with STEM to increase the number of girls in STEM career pathways. What a better way of doing this than being the trainers and mentors.

Caroline Nyaga, Founder and CEO Women in STEAM Initiative, (BEd Science, MA Education)
Sherry Obare, Co Founder Women in STEAM Initiative, (BSc Computer Science)

Carolyne Mboya, Head of STEM Trainers (Bsc Biochemistry)
Razoa Kundu, STEM trainer/Mentor (BSc Civil Engineering)
Juster Muthoni, STEM Trainer and Mentor. (BSc MBCHB)
Juliet Maingi, STEM Trainer and Mentor. (BSc Mechanical Engineering)
Michelle Juliet, STEM Trainer and Mentor (BSc Data Science)
Irene Mukami, STEM Trainer and Mentor (BEd Science, MSc Statistics
Nelly Mogere, Hands on STEM Trainer (BSc Computer Science)
Mary Wangari, Hands on STEM Trainer, (BSc Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Advisory Board Members

Doreen Irungu, Founder and CEO, Ustawi Hub

Obadiah Ratemo, Biology/Chemistry Tutor

Support Team

Winnie Nyaga, Overall Judge- STEM Storytelling Competition
Moreen Kinyanjui, STEM Teacher Advisor